Good Friday 2024

Good Friday 2024

Good Friday is a holiday celebrated by Christians around the world. It commemorates the day when Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for his followers. It is celebrated in March or April, on the Friday before Easter. This year, we are observing Good Friday on 29th March. 

According to Christianity, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to Earth to save humanity. According to Christian teachings, Jesus lived in ancient Israel around 2000 years ago. He acted as the messiah by spreading messages of love, forgiveness, and salvation. To save humanity, Jesus Christ willingly sacrificed his life by crucifixion. Good Friday is celebrated to honour this great sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

Good Friday is also called Holy Friday, Great Friday and Black Friday. People observe this day by attending religious services, fasting, and participating in acts of charity.

Despite the sorrowful aspects of this day, it is a day of hope for Christians, as Jesus Christ came back to life on the day of Easter. It is believed that Good Friday was previously known as God’s Friday. Jesus’ sacrifice made it possible for people to be saved, and therefore the day is regarded as “good”.