International Internet Day

International Internet Day

International Internet Day is celebrated around the world every year on 29 October. This day celebrates one of the greatest human inventions that connects people from one corner of the world to another.

On 29 October 1969, the internet was first used by a student programmer named Charlie Kline to send an electronic message reading the word ‘Lo.’ Back then the internet was known as Arpanet which stood for Advanced Research Project Agency Network. With the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1993, the Internet became available to the masses.  

The internet changed history by bringing people worldwide closer, giving quick access to a lot of information, and connecting people. With more than 5 billion users in the world, it has become a necessary part of our daily lives. 

Since 2005, this day has been celebrated to pay tribute to the creators of the internet who brought the world together and reshaped modern history. Even during tough times such as the pandemic, it helped students continue their education and kept information available. The internet has opened a gate to unlimited possibilities where more inventions can take place.