National Bird Day 2024

National Bird Day 2024

Every year, National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5th. This day aims to raise awareness about the importance of birds in our ecosystem. On this day, People are encouraged to learn about and reject the inhumane practices where birds are captured, brutally treated or produced in captivity for financial gain. 

Birds are an important part of the ecosystem. They are the ones who spread the seeds leading to the birth of new plants. They also control the insect population. 

Since 2002, National Birds Day have been celebrated in the United States of America. There, the Christmas bird count is celebrated every year and people volunteer to count the number of birds they see and hear in 24 hours. The collected data helps scientists to study the bird population. 

The current increase in pollution and deforestation has affected the lives of millions of birds. Therefore, today is a crucial day to understand the need for change and to take active steps to protect birds. Many types of birds, such as the Dodo and the Great Auk, have gone extinct due to various reasons. Therefore, serious measures should be taken to protect other bird types from going extinct.