Saturn and its disappearing rings

Saturn and its disappearing rings 

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. It is known for the beautiful rings around it. Scientists are saying that by 2025 the iconic rings around Saturn could not be seen from Earth due to changes in the position of the planet. 

Saturn has seven main rings which can be seen from the Earth with the use of a telescope. A telescope is a tool which helps us to see things that are very far away from us. The rings are made up of small pieces of rock and ice covered with dust. 

After 2025, Saturn’s rings will become too thin to be seen from Earth due to its angle. This event takes place every thirteen to fifteen years. The rings can be seen again in 2032 when the planet will rotate and its other side can be seen from the Earth. 

According to NASA, the rings of Saturn will only be present for a few hundred million years, as the ring materials are falling into the planet.  Before 2025, now is the perfect time for fans of space to look into the beautiful Saturn and its rings.