World Creativity and Innovation Day 2024

World Creativity and Innovation Day 2024

Every year on 21 April, we celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day. This day shows us how important creativity is in making our lives better. It also shows us how creativity and innovation can help solve problems and make the world a better place.

An artist named Marci Segal gave the idea to celebrate a day to encourage people to use their natural creativity to come up with new ideas. In 2001, 21 April was declared as World Creativity and Innovation Day. 

In 2024, the theme of this day is “Step out and Innovate.” On this day people come together to celebrate creativity and innovation in various ways. Some schools also organise special activities to inspire students to think creatively and explore their imaginations.

We can celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day by looking at the world differently and by coming up with ideas that will help others. In doing so, we might inspire someone else to do the same.