World Earth Day 2024

World Earth Day 2024

Every year on 22 April, World Earth Day is celebrated around the world to raise awareness about various environmental issues the world is facing. This day urges people to take action to protect our planet. This day brings attention to critical issues like climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. 

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, inspired by the growing environmental movement in the United States. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin conceived the idea to draw public attention to environmental problems. His efforts led to a nationwide movement where millions of people participated in activities like rallies and environmental clean-ups. 

Earth Day is now observed in more than 190 countries. In 2024, the theme of this day is “Planet vs Plastic.” This theme highlights the negative impact of plastic on our environment. 

On Earth Day, people across the globe participate in various activities to honour the planet. These activities include planting trees, cleaning up parks and beaches, and educational events. Schools often host events to raise awareness about environmental issues. This day gives us a platform to reflect on our impact on the planet and commit to making positive changes.