World Malaria Day 2024

World Malaria Day 2024

World Malaria Day is observed every year on April 25 to raise awareness about malaria and efforts to control and eliminate it. Malaria is a serious disease caused by bites of infected mosquitoes. It affects millions of people around the world. This day brings to attention the need to stay safe from this harmful disease. 

In 2001, the African government decided to celebrate 25th August as Africa Malaria Day. In 2008, it was made into World Malaria Day and since then it has been celebrated to recognise global efforts in fighting malaria. 

Several steps have been taken to reduce malaria’s impact. However, the most important step is to educate ourselves and others about how to stay safe from it. Here are some steps we can take to make sure we remain unaffected by malaria: 

  • Wear full-sleeve clothes and full pants. 
  • Apply safe insect repellent cream on the skin
  • Use mosquito nettings while sleeping 
  • Use mosquito-repelling coils and machines 
  • Keep windows and doors closed so that mosquitoes are unable to enter

We can work together to prevent malaria and ultimately eliminate it by following these steps. This day urges people to come together and fight against this harmful disease. To do our part, we can spread information with our friends and family and learn more about this issue.