World Music Day

World Music Day

World Music Day is celebrated every year on June 21. This day is also known as Fete de la Musique, which means the “Festival of Music”. Everyone enjoys good music irrespective of age, caste, and nationality. Music has the power to uplift a person’s mood in an instant. On World Music Day we celebrate the unity and peace that that music brings into a society.

World Music Day originated in Paris, France in 1982. The idea came from the then-Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, who organised the Fete de la Musique, to bring people together to acknowledge the impact music has on their lives. Every year since then people across the world have celebrated Music Day with joy and excitement. 

Music is much more than just listening to a bunch of songs and enjoying it. The impact of it goes deeper than that. Studies have shown that listening to music can have a positive effect on your physical and mental health. It reduces stress and alleviates anxiety.  

Needless to say, every country or region has its unique music. As of now, there are about 41 primary music genres and 1300 subgenres in the world. Some of the popular ones include blues, classical, hip-hop, pop and country. Most people celebrate World Music Day by exploring the different genres of music and learning more about them.