Buildings with a Purpose


When you walk around your city or town, you will see many different buildings. Did you know that some buildings have special jobs?

Let’s learn about six such important buildings.

1.   School

School is a place where you go to learn new things. Teachers help make learning fun for you in school. You also get to play with friends, and read amazing books at your school!

2.   Hospital

When we are not feeling well, we can go to a hospital. There are doctors and nurses at the hospital to take care of us. The doctors also give us medicines to help us get better.

3. Library

A library is a magical place filled with lots of wonderful books! The person who takes care of all the books is called the librarian. You can go to a library and pick your favourite books to read!

4.   Police Station

When something makes you feel really afraid, you feel scared. It’s like when you see ghosts or monsters in a scary movie.

5. Bank

A bank is a place where we can keep our money safely. We save our money in banks and take it out when we need to spend it. It is just like how you save coins in your piggy bank at home!

6.  Post Office

The Post office helps us send and receive letters or parcels. When you want to send a letter or a gift to someone, you take it to the post office. A postman delivers everything to the right place.