National Symbols of India


The national symbols are symbols that show the history, culture, nature and beauty of a country. These national symbols can be animals, fruits, trees, birds, and the flags of the country. Just like other countries, India also has many national symbols. All of us should be proud of them. Now we will learn about some important national symbols of India. 

1. National fruit of India- Mango

The mango fruit is loved by so many in our country. It is also called the ‘king of fruits’. There are many types of mangoes found in our country. Some of them are Langra, Totapuri, Alphonso, Chausa, etc.

2. National flower of India- Lotus

Lotus plants grow above water. These flowers are pink in colour. In our country, lotus flowers are also considered to be pure. It is also the national flower of another country called Vietnam.

3. National bird of India- Peacock

Peacocks are beautiful, big birds. They are known for their blue-and-green-coloured feathers. These birds are found all across India. You can usually see peacocks in forests, large parks or zoos. 

4. National animal of India- Royal Bengal Tiger

The Royal Bengal tiger is found across India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. These tigers are excellent hunters. The Bengal tiger is also the national animal of Bangladesh.

5. National tree of India- Banyan 

Banyan trees are found around India. A banyan tree grows to become very big. They can give shade and shelter to people and animals. Banyan trees and leaves are considered holy in India. 

6. National anthem of India- Jana Gana Mana

You must have heard and sung India’s national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’ many times. It was written by Rabindranath Tagore. We should always stand when singing or listening to the national anthem.

7. National flag of India

The national flag of India is made up of saffron (orange), white and green colours and the blue-coloured Ashok Chakra or wheel at its centre. The flag is sometimes called the ‘Tricolour’.