Similes Related to Animals

Similes Related to Animals 

Similes are a fun way to compare two things that are different but have something in common. They make our language more interesting and colourful.

Imagine you have a big, juicy apple, and you want to describe how sweet it is. You can say, “This apple is as sweet as a candy.” In this sentence, you are comparing the sweetness of the apple to the sweetness of the candy using the word “as”. That’s what a simile does- it helps you compare things by saying one thing is like another thing.

You can also compare people or things to animals. If you have a tall friend named Surabhi, you can say, “Surabhi is as tall as a giraffe.” Here, you are describing that Surabhi is taller than most of your friends by comparing her to a giraffe, which is a very tall animal.

In this quiz, you will have to identify the animals which are used in the given similes. Good luck!