The Five Senses

The Five Senses

Have you ever wondered how are we able to feel the world around us? Well, we have five important senses. They help us enjoy the wonderful things around us!

Let’s learn about these senses.

1.   Sight

The sense of sight is our power to see! We see with our eyes. We use them to look at colours, shapes, and all the things that make the world beautiful!

2.  Smell

The sense of smell comes from our noses. It lets us enjoy all the wonderful scents around us. We can use our noses to smell flowers, perfumes or even tasty food!

3. Touch

Our skin gives us the sense of touch. It is how we feel things. When we hug a teddy bear, we can feel how soft it is. It helps us feel soft, hard, warm, and ticklish things!

4.   Hearing

When we listen to music, we are using the sense of hearing! Our two ears let us enjoy music, talk to friends, and hear so many amazing sounds!

5. Taste

Our tongues give us the sense of taste. It lets us enjoy different flavours of yummy food! Our tongue can taste sweet, sour, bitter and salty foods!