Work That People Do


You must have seen your parents go to work everyday. These are called the professions of people. The work that people do helps other people around them too. Here, we will learn about six important professions that many people do.

1. Doctor

A doctor is someone who looks after the health of people. They give medicines and treat us when we are unwell. They use machines like thermometers and stethoscopes. They work in hospitals. 

2. Teacher

The person who teaches us new things is called a teacher. Teachers help students to learn and become better people. Teachers usually teach in schools. In India, 5th September is celebrated as teacher’s day. 

3. Firefighter

A firefighter’s job is to put out any fire. A firefighter protects people and saves them from many other dangers too. They use fire trucks to put out a fire. It has a lot of water in it.

4. Chef

When you go to a restaurant to eat, the person who makes the food is called a chef. They know how to make many tasty dishes. They use knives to cut vegetables. They also wear a white hat. 

5. Astronaut

Astronauts are people who go outside the Earth! They travel to outer space in rockets or space shuttles. They wear space suits. Twelve astronauts have also stepped on the Moon.

6. Postman

A postman is the person who delivers letters and parcels to our home. Postmen work in the post office. Postmen are also called mailmen.